Work plan

Accomplishment of the adopted goals and verification of the put forward hypotheses will be possible as a result of implementation of the following research procedure:

The outline of the research procedure

  General research plan - STAGES

Detailed research goals TASKS




STAGE 1 – Construction of a model (theoretical) system of the factors of social and economic growth in the UE regions (NUTS2)

1. A review of foreign and Polish literature on the subject leading to systematizing the body of knowledge of the factors of social and economic growth in the EU regions (NUTS2) (RG1).

2. Constructing operational definitions of the growth factors on the regional and intra-regional levels in the context of the theoretical bases of their identification and interpretation and the mutual relations with respect to the intervention of the regional policy (RG2).

3. An ex-ante development of a model (theoretical) system of the factors of social and economic growth in the EU regions (RG3).


- an analysis of existing data

(desk research)
STAGE 2 – Identification of the diversification of the degree of social and economic growth in the UE regions in the context of the degree of economic, social and territorial cohesion
4. Constructing a multi-dimensional geographic observation database including the factors of the degree of social and economic growth on the level of the EU regions (NUTS2) and an analysis of the diversification of social and economic growth in the context of the three dimensions of cohesion in the EU regions leading to their typology based on the per capita GDP value and the degree of social and economic growth (RG4).

- ratio methods

- analysis of the major components

- taxonomic methods of grouping and typology
STAGE 3 – Empirical verification of the model system of the factors of social and economic growth in the EU regions at different levels of growth (more developed – transition – less developed)
5. An empirical verification of a model system of the factors of social and economic growth for regions of diverse growth levels (regions: more developed – transition – less developed) leading to empirically verified model systems of the factors in social and economic growth for these three types of regions (RG5).

- correlation methods (partial correlations)

- regression methods (multiple regression, geographically weighted regression)
STAGE 4 – An in-depth analysis of the diversified degrees and growth factors in Poland’s regional and intra-regional systems to foster the verification of the model system of the factors of social and economic growth bearing in mind the specificity of Polish regions

6. Developing a detailed multi-dimensional geographic observation database for provinces (NUTS2) and counties (NUTS4) in Poland and identification of the level of social and economic growth in a regional arrangement (NUTS2) and an intra-regional arrangement (NUTS4) in Poland taking into consideration the specificity of Polish regions and their internal diversity (RG6).

7. Typology of regions (NUTS2) and counties (NUTS4) in Poland indicating their specificity in the context of the level of social and economic growth and the three dimensions of cohesion (RG7).

8. Testing in the regional arrangement (NUTS2) and county arrangement (NUTS4) in Poland of the empirically verified model systems of the growth factors on the level of the less developed regions in the EU taking into consideration the adopted operational definitions of the growth factors on the regional and intra-regional levels leading to construction of empirically verified model systems of the factors of social and economic growth for the less developed regions taking into account the specificity of Polish regions and their intra-regional diversity (RG8).


- ratio methods

- analysis of the major components

- taxonomic methods of grouping and typology

- correlation methods (partial correlations)

- regression methods (multiple regression, geographically weighted regression)
STAGE 5 – Identification of the impact of the new challenges to the regional policy on social and economic growth in a less developed region illustrated with the example of Wielkopolska

9. Developing operational definitions and an analysis and characteristics of the new challenges to the regional policy (illustrated with the example of Wielkopolska) in the realm of (a) implementing in the regional policy the assumptions of the place-based approach, (b) changes to the paradigm of the growth policy – the need to reinforce the spread from the cores to the peripheries, (c) identifying the role of institutional conditioning, (d) determining sensibility and resilience to the economic crisis (RG9).

10. Identification of the impact of the new challenges of the regional policy on the factors of social and economic growth in Wielkopolska leading to an ex-post development of a model system of the factors of social and economic growth for the less developed regions by means of the new challenges to the regional policy (RG10).


- concentration ratios (location quotient, discrepancy ratios)

- regression analysis

- questionnaire and interview
STAGE 6 - A forecast of the impact of the factors of social and economic growth on the degree of development in Wielkopolska in the face of the new challenges of the regional policy

11. Identifying the potential impact and reinforcement of the conditioning of developmental processes related to the new challenges to the regional policy allowing for an estimation of the expected level of social and economic growth (RG11).

12. Developing a multi-dimensional forecast of the impact of the factors of social and economic growth on the level of development in Wielkopolska in the context of the diverse influence of the new challenges to the regional policy (RG12).


- regressive modelling

- Markov’s chains

- neural networks
STAGE 7 - Recommendations of the scope of intervention in line with the optimum model system of the factors of social and economic growth in a less developed region taking into consideration the contemporary challenges to the regional policy and the specificity of the Polish developmental conditions

13. A prospective evaluation (based on former forecasts) of economic effectiveness (taking into account the social and financial results) of the model systems of the factors of social and economic growth with respect to their influence on developmental processes (RG13).

14. Developing an optimum model system of the factors of social and economic growth in Poland’s regional arrangement (NUTS2) (RG14).

15. Providing recommendations in the realm of channelling intervention of the regional policy in Poland’s regional arrangement (NUTS2) (RG15).

- validation and synthesis