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    New challenges for the regional policy
    in determining the factors of socio-economic development in less developed regions
    Research project number: 2015/19/B/HS5/00012
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    socio-economic development
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    development processes
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    Regional policy


N306 - Geography and oceanography (according to discipline list).

Key words

socio-ecomomic development in less developed regions, development spreading processes, development intervention, institutional conditioning, Regional policy, economic crisis.

Number of project participants

4 researches.

Project realisation period


Project abstract

The goal of the research / research hypothesis

Identification of development factors, which should be the subject of regional policy intervention aimed at achieving economic cohesion, social cohesion and territorial cohesion, is one of the main tasks contemporary regional research. The changing conditioning of the development processes create new challenges to the regional policy. These challenges are especially important in less developed regions. The most significant challenge refers to two trends:

  1. the aspiration to enhancement the effectiveness of the regional policy intervention,
  2. the changing system of the development factors and a re-definition of their importance in the light of the crisis globalization.

In the first trend, of key importance are:

  •  implementation of the place-based approach as part of regional policy where emphasis would be placed on the need to consider the idiosyncrasies of endogenous resources in territorial arrangements,
  • change to the growth policy paradigm indicating the need to reinforce the processes of spreading growth from the cores to the peripheries and withdrawing from a simple concentration of resources in less developed areas.

In the second trend, attention should be paid to:

  • the new growth factors with the special importance of institutional conditioning,
  • the new interpretation of the growth factors in the context of their impact on resilience to the economic crisis.

Bearing in mind the poor effectiveness of intervention as we know it  and the striving to enhance economic, social and territorial cohesion of the EU countries and regions upheld in the 2014-2020 perspective, the indicated new challenges to the regional policy are of special importance to the less developed regions.

Research project „New regional policy challenges in shaping the socio-economic development factors of less developed regions wyzwania polityki regionalnej w kształtowaniu czynników rozwoju społeczno-ekonomicznego regionów mniej rozwiniętych” financed by means of Polish National Science Center 